Scientific Classifications explained    Amphibians
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  » Wild Flowers

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UK Nature > Wild Flowers > Blue and Purple Wild Flowers

Nicandra physalodes

Solanum dulcamara

Hyancinthoides non-scripta

Ajuga reptans

Common Comfrey
Symphytum officinale

Common Dog Violet
Viola riviniana

Common Flax
Linum usitatissimum

Centaurea cyanus

Devil's-bit Scabious
Succisa pratensis

Germander Speedwell
Veronica chamaedrys

Green Alkanet
Pentaglottis sempervirens

Ground Ivy
Glechoma hederacea

Campanula rotundifola

Sea Aster
Tripolium pannonicum

Sea Holly
Eryngium maritimum

Prunella vulgaris

Dipsacus fullonum

Tufted Vetch
Vicia cracca

Viper's Bugloss
Echium vulgare is a website dedicated to showing the immense diversity of UK nature and wildlife. Our vast range of habitats, from lowland arable to snow covered mountains, from storm-ravaged coastlines to peaceful inland freshwater lakes and rivers, from dry heaths to forests, all these habitats contribute to the abundant plethora of UK nature, both flora and fauna. We must also not forget the humble back garden with its grass lawns, flower beds filled with nectar rich flowers, shrubs and trees, all designed to attract huge numbers of insects such as bees, moths, butterflies and hoverflies; and finally the small ponds which provide safe havens for frogs, toads, newts and even slow worms and grass snakes. is the showcase for my personal passion, photographing uknature in all its glory. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the fruits of my labours.